Tuesday, February 9, 2010


yes I'm done with all my poetry

why i like cats

So why do you think i like cats ?

wweellll.cats are cutely coolly awesomely

weird and being weird is so cool it makes

my face hurt plus all the other comments up there,

here's some more.

They don't get hurt easy at all they can jump off

buildings,fences,trees,and telephone poles and

just run away cause when they fall they spread

out to slow down, and they land on their feet,

there legs are flexible.

Their so soft and furry and so nice to cuddle with.

mine is cuddly early in the morning and he has a loud purr.

they can live off things like mice,birds,rats,and bugs

which means they stay out of your house and you don't hafta

feed your cat as much.

so now do you under stand why i like cats ITS CAUSE THEIR

AWESOME pretty much the whole storey in one sentence.